Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Its OK to say Terrorist

Terrorist: The Power Of The Word

The words terrorist or terrorism are very powerful words. They can bring a person to feel fear or another person could feel offended, by hearing it. Some people could feel excitement and happiness depending on what side you are on. These words are so powerful that President Obama doesn’t even like saying them at all, even when it is appropriate situation to do so. The political correctness in this country is making it vulnerable because people will not say the truth. There are radical Muslims out there that hate the USA and want to kill us! I did not say all Muslims, 99% of them are peaceful but, the 1% is not.
            The Fort Hood shooting was a mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009 at Fort Hood near Killeen, TX.  In the course of the shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and over 30 people were injured. It is the worst shooting ever to take place on an American military base. Several individuals, including Senator Lieberman and others have called the event a terrorist attack. The Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence. They have declined requests from survivors and family members of the slain to categorize it as act of terrorism, or motivated by militant Islamic religious convictions. The sole suspect is Nidal Malik Hasan, a 39-year-old U.S. Army major serving as a psychiatrist. He was shot and taken into custody by Department of the Army Civilian Police officers. Due to injuries from being wounded, he is paralyzed from the waist down. Hasan was arraigned by a military court on July 20, 2011 and was charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder under the Uniform Code of Military Justice; he may face additional charges at court-martial. If he is convicted, he could be given the death penalty. Days after the shooting, reports in the media revealed that a Joint Terrorism Task Force had been aware of e-mail communications between Hasan and the Yemen-based cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been monitored by the NSA as a security threat, and that Hasan's colleagues had been aware of his increasing radicalization for several years.
Obama and his administration classified that as workplace violence…..hmmmm for some reason he wants people to believe there are no terrorists. There are and the Boston bombing proved that and Obama still didn’t want to use the word terrorist when talking about them. It’s not like 9/11 anymore were they came here to hit us. They are already here and this administration is doing nothing protect us from them. They allow them to come in and then stop tracking them. That is incompetency as far as I am concerned. GOD HELP US!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My solution to immigration reform!!!


The problem with illegal immigrants is not that they are here using our resources. The problem is that they are using our resources without contributing anything. America as a country was completely built on immigrants. There is nothing wrong with the idea of immigration. The problem comes when people do it illegally. America's legal immigrants provide our communities with new vision and fresh energy, strengthening and enhancing our American culture and economy and securing our nation's dominance in the global economy Illegal immigration, however, is an insult to those who have legally immigrated. It has had a disastrous economic effect on our country. They use our hospitals and our schools without paying taxes or getting health insurance. Now for the surprise, we should continue to let them use our hospitals and schools. That is not only the best option, it is the only option if we are going to be the country we say we are. If we are to be that shining city on a hill, we have to treat everyone as we would want to be treated. That means providing health care when it is needed and education for everyone.
The problem is that illegal immigrants are taking from society without giving anything in return. In Health care, education, and other areas of public service illegals aren’t paying for these things, yet they are receiving them. The thing is, we either have to stop them from coming in the first place, or we have to find a way to have them contribute. Otherwise, our systems are going to go bankrupt due to the people who are taking from it but not contributing to it.
This leaves two answers that completely contradict each other. On the one hand, we should provide health care and education for them because it is just the right thing to do. You take the Hippocratic oath and an illegal immigrants comes to the emergency room with his arm dangling; you give him some morphine and put it back in place. As a teacher, you should teach that kid how to do algebra no matter who he is or where he came from. On the other hand, this is still a problem that needs to be addressed. It simply cannot continue to forever because we will run out of money.
Hospitals are going bankrupt because of this problem. Too many illegal immigrants are going to the emergency room with the sniffles. As far as teachers go, we have more students to teach and the same amount of money to go around. This means larger class sizes and more teachers. However, there isn’t any extra money for those teachers, so that means lower wages. Larger classes also mean a worse learning environment for your children. So, now we are still talking about a less educated society, only now it is everyone. So this is certainly a problem. Now here is the solution.
The solution has nothing to do with a fence or kicking them out; what we have to do is find a way that forces them to contribute. This seems like a silly thing to say, but it isn’t even that hard. Just make them pay for those things they are using now, and they aren’t leeches anymore. They are now productive members of our society. How do you accomplish all this? There are several simple things that can be done. First off, it isn’t the immigrants that are cheating Uncle Sam, it is the employers who hire them for the cheap labor. Start enforcing the laws we already have and punish companies that pay illegal immigrants under the table. This means that to find work, the person must be documented. It is as simple as that. Another solution that would make things easy is the sales tax that my friend mentioned. In Texas, there is no state income tax. This means that any illegal immigrant here pays the same taxes as everyone else. If we did this everywhere, illegal immigrants would no longer be a problem. They would contribute just as much to the system as they take out.
The National Academy of Sciences has estimated that the average immigrant without a high-school degree will, over the course of his or her lifetime, impose a net cost, above and beyond any taxes he or she pays, of nearly $100,000 on U.S. taxpayers; this cost does not include the cost of educating the immigrant’s children. Based on that figure, the estimated 11 million legal immigrants lacking a high-school diploma and residing in the U.S. today, will cost taxpayers more than a half trillion dollars over their lifetimes.
We should treat illegal immigrants exactly the way we would want to be treated simply because it is the right thing to do. The problem is that it isn’t possible to do that forever without them contributing. The only ways to fix this are to make them leave, stop them from coming, or to make them contribute the same as everyone else. If you want to try both that’s fine, but it seems to me the simpler solution is to let them come if they want, but make them contribute. I suspect if we do that, all of a sudden it is less attractive to be an illegal immigrant. If we stop allowing them to leech, we will only attract the people who really want to be here. Those are the people we want here, and those are the people who will make positive contributions to our society.

Chris Frazier

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Obama Foreign Policy, LOL !!!

The Foreign Policy is a Joke

A nation’s foreign policy is the result of decades of work designed to answer the needs of a nation, both international and domestic, in the most ideal fashion possible. As a result, a nation’s foreign policy is rarely changed within a single day. September 11th, however, changed the direction and motivation of United States foreign policy in a matter of minutes. With the death of nearly 3,000 Americans, the collapse of the World Trade Center, and the nation’s air traffic control system completely shut down, terrorism became the number one priority in U.S. foreign policy. Although foreign policy issues that existed prior to September 11th are still being addressed, seemingly everything has taken the back burner to our newly waged War on Terrorism.
What is leading from behind actually mean? This past fall was not kind to U.S. President Barack Obama's foreign policy. It became increasingly clear that Afghan security forces were not going to be ready for the 2014 transition. The New York Times highlighted the administration's failure to persuade the Iraqi government to allow a remaining U.S. force to stay in the country, leaving Baghdad ever more at the mercy of Tehran. Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fought publicly over how to respond to Iran's advancing nuclear program. The administration's much-touted "pivot" to the Pacific seemed like more talk than action, as the United States passively watched tensions rise between China and Japan. And then, the administration tripped over itself repeatedly in trying to explain the fiasco in Benghazi, Libya. They still haven’t given any answers on it, and will not let the FBI talk to the survivors.
  The idea of national superiority was evident in the belief of obvious destiny. This doctrine basically stated that America was a superior nation that was designed to expand. The nationalist argument is best shown in Albert Beveridge’s “The March of the Flag” which states, “The rule of liberty that all just government derives its authority from the consent of the governed, applies only to those who are capable of self-government.”(For the Record p.117) People of every country in every part of the world deserve the right to be free. They deserve the right to elect their government. They deserve the right not to be afraid of them.
The U.S. doesn’t lead from behind. That’s when things don’t get done right. Iraq is all messed up. Afghanistan is being taken over by Al Qaida again. That is because our President is a spineless jellyfish. Stand up and grow a backbone and stop talking about taking more money from the “rich” and protect our country. Lil’ Kim might be little but he has a backbone. He doesn’t want to talk. He talked to Rodman more than he has you, Mr. President. STOP THIS LEADING FROM BEHIND !!!
The foreign policy of this administration is a joke. Our enemies laugh at us and our allies can’t count on us. Mr president we all know you gave the order to shoot Bin Ladin and thank you for that but, it was through information that you didn’t think we should have that found him. If telling someone to shoot is your greatest accomplishment than God Help this country.
Chris Frazier

Sunday, April 7, 2013

MR President Don't Take My Guns !!!


     Perhaps nowhere in the Constitution does it cause one to hesitate quite so much on a first reading, second, or third reading, as the short stipulation in the amendment of the Bill of Rights. No doubt this hesitation occurs because, despite the briefness of this amendment, as one reads, there is an apparent non sequitur --or disconnection of a sort--in mid sentence. The amendment opens with a recitation about a need for "well-regulated Militia." But having specified to the need for " well-regulated Militia," the amendment then states that the right protected by the amendment--the described right that is to be free of "infringement"--is not (or not just) the right of a state, or of the United States, to provide a well-regulated militia. Rather, it is "the right of the people to keep and bear arms."

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
     The statement of a "right of the people to keep and bear Arms" would make sense standing alone, however, even if it necessarily left some questions still to be established, it would make sense in just the same unforced way we understand even upon a first reading of the neighboring clause in the Bill of Rights, which uses the exact same phrase in describing something as "the right of the people" that "shall not be violated" (or "infringed"). Just as the Second Amendment declares that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed," To be sure, as I have already once noted, were the Second Amendment taken in just this way, the scope of the right that is protected (namely, the right to keep and bear arms) would still remain to be defined but, by itself, that sort of definitional determination would be of no unusual difficulty. For so much is true with respect to every right secured from government infringement, whether it be each person's freedom of speech (that freedom is not unbounded, either) or any other right specifically protected from infringement elsewhere in the Bill of Rights.

     “The Right of the people the bear arms, SHALL NOT be infringed” is under attack today. The Liberal left is trying to take away our guns. They use the excuse that it will stop mass shooting BUT IT WILL NOT. The majority of shooting are done by handguns not a rifle with a pistol grip. Do liberals think the people are just stupid and ignorant or do they really believe these LIES? MR Campaigner n-Chief is doing his thing going around the country trying to take way law abiding citizens guns. Why isn't he doing his job? Mental Health needs addressing not guns. Hollywood has a big role in this. Kids watch video games movies and play on the computer all day. Tell your Hollywood buddies to stop it!!!. Put more trained officers in schools now that is logical. Don’t restrict the rights of law abiding citizens punish the criminals! How about that for a change???

     The second amendment grants citizens the right to defend themselves as well. In today’s world, danger can be anywhere. As criminals become more and more devious, it is not enough to rely on our police force to defend us. Courts have ruled time and time again that law enforcement agents are not required to defend us or our property. Instead we have to turn to guns and exercise our right to bear arms. In our Declaration of Independence, life is one of the three unalienable rights that is granted to each and every one of us. By using the second amendment, we can protect this right and ensure that it isn't wrongly taken away from our grasp. Handguns are used to protect citizens against robbers, rapists and other criminals, one thousand five hundred sixty-one times each day overall and a gun in a house is two hundred times more likely to be used in self-defense than in causing the death of an innocent victim. It is a known fact that when you ask a law enforcement agent to help you out in a time of need it takes them at least ten minutes to arrive at your house. In those ten minutes, a criminal could easily harm you or your loved ones but this entire scenario can be prevented if everyone exercised the rights they received from the second amendment.

     The Second Amendment is the most important amendment in the Constitution because it ensures the citizens with defense, protection and the most important of all ; It increases our hegemony and ensures that we will remain a global leader. The United States of America was born as an armed society. Guns and militias are an important part of our traditions and remain essential for the preservation of our way of life and our liberties. 

Chris Frazier

Saturday, April 6, 2013

You Can't Silence Me!!!

The 1st Amendment

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution says “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is part of our countries Bill of Rights. It is perhaps the most important part of the Constitution because it guarantees citizens freedom of religion, writing and publishing, speech, peaceful assembly, and the freedom to raise grievances with the Government. In addition, it requires there be a separation between church and state, which has been taken way too far. All it means is that the government can’t favor another religion over another.
It was written because citizens demanded a guarantee for their basic freedoms. Without it, religious minorities might be mistreated, the government possibly could set up a national religion, protesters could be harmed or jailed, the press would not be able to talk bad and report damaging facts regarding the government, and citizens could not organize for changes they believe are needed. In the case as it is today they have selective reporting. They only report the things that make Obama look good. If you want the real new you have to watch FOX News. They are truly fair and balanced. Hannity and Bekel that’s a pair! Chris Mathews would never have a fair and balanced show. This amendment is important because without it the United States citizens would not be heard by the government. In order for the democracy to grow and change the U.S. citizens have to give the government new and different ideas. Those ideas should also be heard by the President and Congress. Some do hear what the people are saying but, most of them only hear themselves.
Freedom of peaceable petition and protest is the final liberty discussed. Without this freedom, the civil rights movement may never have happened. However this freedom of petition only allows “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” This is how it should be, because violent protests have caused death and harm to people in both this country and all over the world. The Occupy movement was one of these violent groups not all but; most were causing trouble and getting arrested. The Tea Party movement was peaceful even if certain news agencies made up lies that they were not.

The very last sentence in it gives freedom “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This allows people the chance to submit a Petition for a Redress if they have proof that the government is abusing their constitutionally limited power. The government has a legal responsibility to answer a petition. This last part is very essential because if the federal government exceeds its authority given to them by the constitution, the people have the right to an explanation. Even though the Administration that we have now doesn’t want to and will not answer to anyone about anything from Benghazi to Fast and Furious.
Without the First Amendment, the United States would not have the same democracy. It limits what the government can do in a very effective way so that the people are what make the United States what it is today. The First Amendment truly protects the freedom of United States citizens.

Christian Frazier


Dear Liberals,

You won the election Congratulations but, %47 of the country is not on your side. The Campaigner-N-Chief is still doing his thing, which is nothing. Why don’t you act like grown men and woman and focus on the serious fiscal issues that confront our nation. Both sides need to focus on what they agree on not what they disagree on.
With $17 trillion in debt, plus $87 trillion in unfunded entitlement liabilities, flawed economic policies of stimulus, quantitative easing, burdensome regulations, and uncertain tax policy, it’s time to face reality. Stop trying to fool the American people that the situation is under control. We cannot continue to allow America to travel down an obviously unsustainable path. All Americans want is to be told the truth, but there hasn't been a lot of truth coming out of this administration very much lately. He speaks of transparency but, they are miles away from that.
I insist that you pressure your party's leadership, especially Sen. Reid, to tackle these problems with pro-growth, fiscally responsible policies. That means creating a fair and competitive regulatory environment for entrepreneurs, lowering tax rates for job creators, and eliminating the wasteful spending. You cannot just tax the rich to get out of the mess that you created. Being wealthy is not a crime. Stealing is though, and you are stealing from the rich to try to fix your mistakes. It will not work. You’re also stealing from future generations of kids and Lie about it. How do you sleep at night???
I am a 31 y/o man with college debts that I should have to pay back. Not the government forgives them after a certain time period. I am unemployed but I am continuing my education so one day after this Obama economy is fixed I will be ready. I promise future generations that I will not leave America weaker than I found her. I pledge my time and resources to holding you accountable for your actions in Washington. Please work towards restoring this great Republic to the limits articulated in the Constitution of the United States of America.
Don't listen to the majority of the media or establishment insiders, except Fox News they are the only fair and balanced network. I will not give up until America is once more “the shining city on a hill. “SPENDING IS THE PROBLEM!!! Just say NO!!! Stop sacrificing future generations to pay for idiotic things now. Members of congress it won't hurt to cut some spending, I promise, and don't say you have because we know that's a LIE. Sequestration has shown us that cuts can happen and the phony democratic stunts to try to show the people that cuts hurt are childish. The founders of our GREAT CONSTITUTION are rolling in their graves because of the way that Washington acts now. It does not feel like it’s, for the people, by the people, anymore but, with a lot of faith and hard work the next elections will bring a better environment and energy to the country. A country where the people want and expect a path to prosperity for everyone is a great United States of America

Mr. Christian Frazier