Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My solution to immigration reform!!!


The problem with illegal immigrants is not that they are here using our resources. The problem is that they are using our resources without contributing anything. America as a country was completely built on immigrants. There is nothing wrong with the idea of immigration. The problem comes when people do it illegally. America's legal immigrants provide our communities with new vision and fresh energy, strengthening and enhancing our American culture and economy and securing our nation's dominance in the global economy Illegal immigration, however, is an insult to those who have legally immigrated. It has had a disastrous economic effect on our country. They use our hospitals and our schools without paying taxes or getting health insurance. Now for the surprise, we should continue to let them use our hospitals and schools. That is not only the best option, it is the only option if we are going to be the country we say we are. If we are to be that shining city on a hill, we have to treat everyone as we would want to be treated. That means providing health care when it is needed and education for everyone.
The problem is that illegal immigrants are taking from society without giving anything in return. In Health care, education, and other areas of public service illegals aren’t paying for these things, yet they are receiving them. The thing is, we either have to stop them from coming in the first place, or we have to find a way to have them contribute. Otherwise, our systems are going to go bankrupt due to the people who are taking from it but not contributing to it.
This leaves two answers that completely contradict each other. On the one hand, we should provide health care and education for them because it is just the right thing to do. You take the Hippocratic oath and an illegal immigrants comes to the emergency room with his arm dangling; you give him some morphine and put it back in place. As a teacher, you should teach that kid how to do algebra no matter who he is or where he came from. On the other hand, this is still a problem that needs to be addressed. It simply cannot continue to forever because we will run out of money.
Hospitals are going bankrupt because of this problem. Too many illegal immigrants are going to the emergency room with the sniffles. As far as teachers go, we have more students to teach and the same amount of money to go around. This means larger class sizes and more teachers. However, there isn’t any extra money for those teachers, so that means lower wages. Larger classes also mean a worse learning environment for your children. So, now we are still talking about a less educated society, only now it is everyone. So this is certainly a problem. Now here is the solution.
The solution has nothing to do with a fence or kicking them out; what we have to do is find a way that forces them to contribute. This seems like a silly thing to say, but it isn’t even that hard. Just make them pay for those things they are using now, and they aren’t leeches anymore. They are now productive members of our society. How do you accomplish all this? There are several simple things that can be done. First off, it isn’t the immigrants that are cheating Uncle Sam, it is the employers who hire them for the cheap labor. Start enforcing the laws we already have and punish companies that pay illegal immigrants under the table. This means that to find work, the person must be documented. It is as simple as that. Another solution that would make things easy is the sales tax that my friend mentioned. In Texas, there is no state income tax. This means that any illegal immigrant here pays the same taxes as everyone else. If we did this everywhere, illegal immigrants would no longer be a problem. They would contribute just as much to the system as they take out.
The National Academy of Sciences has estimated that the average immigrant without a high-school degree will, over the course of his or her lifetime, impose a net cost, above and beyond any taxes he or she pays, of nearly $100,000 on U.S. taxpayers; this cost does not include the cost of educating the immigrant’s children. Based on that figure, the estimated 11 million legal immigrants lacking a high-school diploma and residing in the U.S. today, will cost taxpayers more than a half trillion dollars over their lifetimes.
We should treat illegal immigrants exactly the way we would want to be treated simply because it is the right thing to do. The problem is that it isn’t possible to do that forever without them contributing. The only ways to fix this are to make them leave, stop them from coming, or to make them contribute the same as everyone else. If you want to try both that’s fine, but it seems to me the simpler solution is to let them come if they want, but make them contribute. I suspect if we do that, all of a sudden it is less attractive to be an illegal immigrant. If we stop allowing them to leech, we will only attract the people who really want to be here. Those are the people we want here, and those are the people who will make positive contributions to our society.

Chris Frazier

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