Monday, April 8, 2013

The Obama Foreign Policy, LOL !!!

The Foreign Policy is a Joke

A nation’s foreign policy is the result of decades of work designed to answer the needs of a nation, both international and domestic, in the most ideal fashion possible. As a result, a nation’s foreign policy is rarely changed within a single day. September 11th, however, changed the direction and motivation of United States foreign policy in a matter of minutes. With the death of nearly 3,000 Americans, the collapse of the World Trade Center, and the nation’s air traffic control system completely shut down, terrorism became the number one priority in U.S. foreign policy. Although foreign policy issues that existed prior to September 11th are still being addressed, seemingly everything has taken the back burner to our newly waged War on Terrorism.
What is leading from behind actually mean? This past fall was not kind to U.S. President Barack Obama's foreign policy. It became increasingly clear that Afghan security forces were not going to be ready for the 2014 transition. The New York Times highlighted the administration's failure to persuade the Iraqi government to allow a remaining U.S. force to stay in the country, leaving Baghdad ever more at the mercy of Tehran. Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fought publicly over how to respond to Iran's advancing nuclear program. The administration's much-touted "pivot" to the Pacific seemed like more talk than action, as the United States passively watched tensions rise between China and Japan. And then, the administration tripped over itself repeatedly in trying to explain the fiasco in Benghazi, Libya. They still haven’t given any answers on it, and will not let the FBI talk to the survivors.
  The idea of national superiority was evident in the belief of obvious destiny. This doctrine basically stated that America was a superior nation that was designed to expand. The nationalist argument is best shown in Albert Beveridge’s “The March of the Flag” which states, “The rule of liberty that all just government derives its authority from the consent of the governed, applies only to those who are capable of self-government.”(For the Record p.117) People of every country in every part of the world deserve the right to be free. They deserve the right to elect their government. They deserve the right not to be afraid of them.
The U.S. doesn’t lead from behind. That’s when things don’t get done right. Iraq is all messed up. Afghanistan is being taken over by Al Qaida again. That is because our President is a spineless jellyfish. Stand up and grow a backbone and stop talking about taking more money from the “rich” and protect our country. Lil’ Kim might be little but he has a backbone. He doesn’t want to talk. He talked to Rodman more than he has you, Mr. President. STOP THIS LEADING FROM BEHIND !!!
The foreign policy of this administration is a joke. Our enemies laugh at us and our allies can’t count on us. Mr president we all know you gave the order to shoot Bin Ladin and thank you for that but, it was through information that you didn’t think we should have that found him. If telling someone to shoot is your greatest accomplishment than God Help this country.
Chris Frazier

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