Sunday, April 7, 2013

MR President Don't Take My Guns !!!


     Perhaps nowhere in the Constitution does it cause one to hesitate quite so much on a first reading, second, or third reading, as the short stipulation in the amendment of the Bill of Rights. No doubt this hesitation occurs because, despite the briefness of this amendment, as one reads, there is an apparent non sequitur --or disconnection of a sort--in mid sentence. The amendment opens with a recitation about a need for "well-regulated Militia." But having specified to the need for " well-regulated Militia," the amendment then states that the right protected by the amendment--the described right that is to be free of "infringement"--is not (or not just) the right of a state, or of the United States, to provide a well-regulated militia. Rather, it is "the right of the people to keep and bear arms."

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
     The statement of a "right of the people to keep and bear Arms" would make sense standing alone, however, even if it necessarily left some questions still to be established, it would make sense in just the same unforced way we understand even upon a first reading of the neighboring clause in the Bill of Rights, which uses the exact same phrase in describing something as "the right of the people" that "shall not be violated" (or "infringed"). Just as the Second Amendment declares that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed," To be sure, as I have already once noted, were the Second Amendment taken in just this way, the scope of the right that is protected (namely, the right to keep and bear arms) would still remain to be defined but, by itself, that sort of definitional determination would be of no unusual difficulty. For so much is true with respect to every right secured from government infringement, whether it be each person's freedom of speech (that freedom is not unbounded, either) or any other right specifically protected from infringement elsewhere in the Bill of Rights.

     “The Right of the people the bear arms, SHALL NOT be infringed” is under attack today. The Liberal left is trying to take away our guns. They use the excuse that it will stop mass shooting BUT IT WILL NOT. The majority of shooting are done by handguns not a rifle with a pistol grip. Do liberals think the people are just stupid and ignorant or do they really believe these LIES? MR Campaigner n-Chief is doing his thing going around the country trying to take way law abiding citizens guns. Why isn't he doing his job? Mental Health needs addressing not guns. Hollywood has a big role in this. Kids watch video games movies and play on the computer all day. Tell your Hollywood buddies to stop it!!!. Put more trained officers in schools now that is logical. Don’t restrict the rights of law abiding citizens punish the criminals! How about that for a change???

     The second amendment grants citizens the right to defend themselves as well. In today’s world, danger can be anywhere. As criminals become more and more devious, it is not enough to rely on our police force to defend us. Courts have ruled time and time again that law enforcement agents are not required to defend us or our property. Instead we have to turn to guns and exercise our right to bear arms. In our Declaration of Independence, life is one of the three unalienable rights that is granted to each and every one of us. By using the second amendment, we can protect this right and ensure that it isn't wrongly taken away from our grasp. Handguns are used to protect citizens against robbers, rapists and other criminals, one thousand five hundred sixty-one times each day overall and a gun in a house is two hundred times more likely to be used in self-defense than in causing the death of an innocent victim. It is a known fact that when you ask a law enforcement agent to help you out in a time of need it takes them at least ten minutes to arrive at your house. In those ten minutes, a criminal could easily harm you or your loved ones but this entire scenario can be prevented if everyone exercised the rights they received from the second amendment.

     The Second Amendment is the most important amendment in the Constitution because it ensures the citizens with defense, protection and the most important of all ; It increases our hegemony and ensures that we will remain a global leader. The United States of America was born as an armed society. Guns and militias are an important part of our traditions and remain essential for the preservation of our way of life and our liberties. 

Chris Frazier

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