Saturday, April 6, 2013


Dear Liberals,

You won the election Congratulations but, %47 of the country is not on your side. The Campaigner-N-Chief is still doing his thing, which is nothing. Why don’t you act like grown men and woman and focus on the serious fiscal issues that confront our nation. Both sides need to focus on what they agree on not what they disagree on.
With $17 trillion in debt, plus $87 trillion in unfunded entitlement liabilities, flawed economic policies of stimulus, quantitative easing, burdensome regulations, and uncertain tax policy, it’s time to face reality. Stop trying to fool the American people that the situation is under control. We cannot continue to allow America to travel down an obviously unsustainable path. All Americans want is to be told the truth, but there hasn't been a lot of truth coming out of this administration very much lately. He speaks of transparency but, they are miles away from that.
I insist that you pressure your party's leadership, especially Sen. Reid, to tackle these problems with pro-growth, fiscally responsible policies. That means creating a fair and competitive regulatory environment for entrepreneurs, lowering tax rates for job creators, and eliminating the wasteful spending. You cannot just tax the rich to get out of the mess that you created. Being wealthy is not a crime. Stealing is though, and you are stealing from the rich to try to fix your mistakes. It will not work. You’re also stealing from future generations of kids and Lie about it. How do you sleep at night???
I am a 31 y/o man with college debts that I should have to pay back. Not the government forgives them after a certain time period. I am unemployed but I am continuing my education so one day after this Obama economy is fixed I will be ready. I promise future generations that I will not leave America weaker than I found her. I pledge my time and resources to holding you accountable for your actions in Washington. Please work towards restoring this great Republic to the limits articulated in the Constitution of the United States of America.
Don't listen to the majority of the media or establishment insiders, except Fox News they are the only fair and balanced network. I will not give up until America is once more “the shining city on a hill. “SPENDING IS THE PROBLEM!!! Just say NO!!! Stop sacrificing future generations to pay for idiotic things now. Members of congress it won't hurt to cut some spending, I promise, and don't say you have because we know that's a LIE. Sequestration has shown us that cuts can happen and the phony democratic stunts to try to show the people that cuts hurt are childish. The founders of our GREAT CONSTITUTION are rolling in their graves because of the way that Washington acts now. It does not feel like it’s, for the people, by the people, anymore but, with a lot of faith and hard work the next elections will bring a better environment and energy to the country. A country where the people want and expect a path to prosperity for everyone is a great United States of America

Mr. Christian Frazier

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